We provide a safe, family-friendly environment in which you can seek, explore, define and receive Empowering WomanCare and Gynecology health services.
WomanCare meets physical and psychological health needs through conventional and alternative approaches, and encourages and promotes self-care.
We welcome those who feel unwelcome in other medical settings and those who have experienced physical and/or sexual violence or disrespect.

Top (L-R): Marnie, Elizabeth; Bottom (L-R): Ashli, Emma

Explore Woman Advocacy
A woman advocate is a friend, colleague, family member or trained professional who serves the woman obtaining health care, with an awareness of her herstory and the power dynamics, sexism and other oppressions she is up against in Status Quo Health Care. A woman advocate is a type of a health care advocate. Health care advocates are not trained specifically to accompany women with a feminist lens on power dynamics in health care, but woman advocates are.
Please visit our Woman Advocacy website for more information about Advocacy services or getting trained to be a Woman Advocate.
A Woman Advocate can attend appointments with you, assist with referrals & scheduling, research medical diagnoses and procedures, and help you strategize, organize, and set goals around treatment and recovery.
A Woman Advocate can assist you with navigating your insurance benefits and insurance claim reimbursements procedures.
Get paid to do advocacy work! You can join our 100% online training program to get certified as a professional Woman Advocate. For students, this complements many majors/minors. Talk to your program advisor about Woman Advocacy training counting as internship/service learning credit.
WomanSafeHealth stands in solidarity with those opposed to racial oppression and to achieving justice and reparations. Below, we share the WomanSafeHealth Opening, which is read aloud at every gathering, including staff meetings, and is our commitment to health care without oppression:
“We come together with a common mission to provide the best possible health care to women, girls, trans and gender nonconforming people of every age and ability, size, shape, color, sexuality and identity from all social, spiritual and cultural backgrounds. We are each on our own journey in life and we honor the gifts that each of us brings to this work. May our meeting together be blessed with honest and forthright speaking, courageous and respectful listening, clarity, openness, a spirit of helpfulness, and a willingness to persevere. We respect and solicit what each of our clients and what each of the WomanSafeHealth staff brings to us and what they have to teach us. May we always keep learning and know that together we are creating a better world.”

by Elizabeth Shadigian, MD
Drawing on the actual experiences of women, WomanSafeHealth: The Antidote to Status Quo Health Care uses cartoons and humor together with analysis and compassion to reveal what it means to meet a woman’s health care needs. Status Quo Health Care is a term coined at WomanSafeHealth to describe the poisoned care most women experience – hurried, depersonalized, cold, disrespectful, profit-driven – care that neglects her individual story and choices.
At WomanSafeHealth each woman is a person, not a disease; a client, not a number. She is the focus, and her health care team is her consultant.
Prescribing self-awareness, care analysis and personal empowerment as antidotes to Status Quo Health Care, Elizabeth affirms what every woman already knows: safety and respect must be the core of health care.