I welcome you

I listen to you

I believe you

I protect your privacy

I am accountable to you

I respect "no"

Experiencing HealthCare or Exam Anxiety?

At each visit, we tailor our sensitive, thorough approach to meet your individual needs and concerns. Some visits are discussion-only, while others include a physical and/or pelvic exam. You can decide at the time of the visit your preference. We are careful to make each exam and procedure as comfortable, informed and safe as possible. If you experience anxiety or fear seeking healthcare services, we offer several resources to help.


We help you decide which options for desensitization work best for you, and the process is highly individualized. There are talking sessions to guide you through a procedure or exam, role-playing exercises to familiarize you with whichever process you may be worried about, as well as the opportunity to touch instruments or other anxiety-causing items. Additionally, Elizabeth Shadigian, MD is trained in EMDR, a psychological technique designed to help decrease anxiety from past experiences.

Unhurried Appointments

Appointment scheduling is based on your needs. Average appointments range from 30-60 minutes of face-to-face time with the physician. If you would like a longer appointment, just let us know and we are happy to accommodate your needs. Phone appointments are also available.

Relaxation, Medication, and AlternativeTreatments

We want your visit to be calm and relaxing. We will listen to you and help you determine what is most helpful to you. Anti-anxiety medications and homeopathic remedies are available. You may bring your own music, clothes, and linens. You may also have the support people of your choice with you at your appointment. In addition, we offer some SelfCare Resources, including a SkinFive infrared hand unit, a daylight lamp, and TheraTappers (which are available for rental or purchase).

Welcoming Environment

Meet the physicians and the staff, and to get to know the atmosphere at WomanSafeHealth. You are encouraged to bring friends or partners if you like. You do not need to schedule an appointment. Please contact us at info@womansafehealth.com if you’d like to stop in.

Medical Empowerment

Do you feel anxious or overwhelmed just thinking about medical procedures, tests, and equipment?
Do you ever avoid medical care, even when you know you need it?
Are you facing health challenges that require you to spend more time than you would like in medical settings?
Isn’t it time to find relief, so that you can care for yourself well?

Our Medical Empowerment Program offers women a holistic, multi-faceted approach to developing resources, skills, and techniques for coping with health challenges and navigating medical settings with confidence. We can help you learn how to: communicate with caregivers, develop positive alliances and support systems, use mind-body approaches to anxiety reduction, and make informed decisions.

We offer 1-2 hour private sessions to meet your individual needs. Sessions typically include a combination of information, counseling, and multi-sensory experiences. A support person of your choice is welcome to join you for any private medical empowerment session. Cost is $90 per 50-minute session.