
by Elizabeth Shadigian, MD
Drawing on the actual experiences of women, WomanSafeHealth: The Antidote to Status Quo Health Care uses cartoons and humor together with analysis and compassion to reveal what it means to meet a woman’s health care needs. Status Quo Health Care is a term coined at WomanSafeHealth to describe the poisoned care most women experience – hurried, depersonalized, cold, disrespectful, profit-driven – care that neglects her individual story and choices.
At WomanSafeHealth each woman is a person, not a disease; a client, not a number. She is the focus, and her health care team is her consultant.
Prescribing self-awareness, care analysis and personal empowerment as antidotes to Status Quo Health Care, Elizabeth affirms what every woman already knows: safety and respect must be the core of health care.
What You Can Find At WomanSafeHealth
- Harriette Hartigan InSight Photography
- Roos Roast Coffee
- Community Farm of Ann Arbor
- Orethic’s Reusable Pads
- Pads can be purchased at WomanSafeHealth and online at
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- YogaGlo (for yoga/meditation at home or on the go)
Empowerment Pocket Guides
The links below are for the first versions of our four WomanSafeHealth Empowerment Pocket Guides. Each guide is meant to be printed double-sided, cut down the middle lengthwise, and folded twice. Permission is granted to download, make copies, and distribute these guides as long as no changes are made. We would love your feedback as we revise them for future editions!
Medical Empowerment Pocket Guide
This guide is for women who are navigating medical settings.
Gynecological Services Empowerment Pocket Guide
This guide is for women who are navigating gynecological services and providers, including office visits, surgeries and inpatient stays.
Psychological Services Empowerment Pocket Guide
This guide is for women who are navigating psychological services and providers.
Rituals for Serious Health Conditions Empowerment Pocket Guide
This guide focuses on serious health conditions, although rituals may also be beneficial at other times in life.